Monday, May 13, 2013

A student's guide to leaving Life University DC program !!!

A student's guide to leaving Life University DC program !!!

"So what Quarter are you in ?" This is a common question ask daily when two former undergrad classmates meet up again on campus.
It's usually followed by a answer of 1 - 14, as the Doctor of Chiropractic program is sold as a 14 quarter program. Once answered, "I'm in 6th quarter" it's often followed by regret & a confession of "If I could leave this program I would." "It's just that I have too many loans!"

The following is a Step by Step guide to leaving Life University Without being demoralize or maxing out your loan money.

Step 1 - Do NOT tell your classmates you're leaving Life university. This is a common mistake. The Chiropratic program operatates like a Gang or a Cult.
Once you tell your classmate "friends" they will turn on you. The same people you once could depend on, well they no longer have time for you. Why? because in their eyes by leaving you're doubting the "powers" of chiropractic.  And giving up on the promise of making $230,000 per year. Instead tell your non-Life university friends & family and look to them for support.

Step 2 - Your other career path, Look in different careers such as Physical Therapy Assistant or RN Nursing both are 2 year degrees that are earned at community colleges. And they're more careers in the healthcare that only require a 2 year degree. Think about it, Copy a least 6 down on a sheet of paper and go from there.

Step 3 - Location !! Right now you're a Life university student in the Marietta,ga Area. Well good news Chattahoochee
Technical College (North Metro Campus ,5198 Ross Road,
Acworth, GA 30102) offers Physical Therapy Assistant program.
You need to remember that if you're from out of state and plan on attending a a technical or state college you need to change your Drivers license and car plate (tag) as soon as possible.

Step 4 - Funding !! Right now you either are depending on your quarterly refund check or your parents to live & pay rent. Based on the money saved you have to determine if you should stay in the Marietta Area or relocate back to your home town.

Step 5 - Funding college - The worst mistake I made was going back to Undergrad at Life university AFTER i left the DC program.
As result I have MAXED OUT my undergrad loans and can no longer find funding for any undergrad programs. DO NOT trust the Finical aid office at Life university They will lie to your face.

Hope this helps And I will end this with a quote :

Regret and fear are twin thieves who would rob us of today.


  1. Feel good knowing that you are not alone. There are many of us who graduated and still are in a bad place. I graduated a few years ago, and a huge majority of my classmates are not doing well. Life has a way of parading the success stories in your face while ignoring the many students who are not doing well. The interesting thing is many of the people who I thought would do well are suffering. I talked to one of the docs who used to work in the clinic and he even said he would not choose chiropractic as a profession if he could do it all over again. Some doctors are even offering to pay associates $20,000 for a degree that costs nearly $200,000! This is something that I know personally. Everyone should stay away from this field. It's fine to go a chiropractor if you like, but there is no point in becoming one. It's a horrible investment.

    1. So I went to a local community college to look at some of the Health science programs. The college would not take my A&P, Chem, or Microbio from Life University!!! However they would take High school A&P if I had it. That goes to show how the rest of America views a Chiropractic education. Too bad there's over 2,000 students at "Chiropractic Island" AKA Life University that will find this out the hard way!!!

  2. I was currently at a chiropractic college.. maxed out my loans( when you are going to a college where its $900 a credit hour this is very easy to do) and am now going back for my undergrad degree. I can no longer get loans via government to complete my undergrad and move forward with my future. Chiro school is a scam and sucks thousands and thousands of dollars from students. Its sad how a profession with so much potential is going downhill and putting promising young students into a whirlwind of debt and despair.

  3. just to add... all the credit hours I had completed at a doctoral level were not even accepted at a community college! Get real people- my science courses were med school comparable and a two year college as well as universities would not accept the credits! If chiropractic schools were not privately owned there would be no issue, but instead their administration is full of money hungry unethical individuals.

    1. Had the same issue the Community College would take a High School A&P (Which I don't have), but not one from Life University.
